Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Gabrimely Acevedo Rosa 


Rhetorical Analysis Essay

     People get miss treated all the time for different reasons and it’s not good. People don’t know how to treat people equally if they don’t look or act the same or “normal”.  The story of ”Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan had a lot of different ways of getting her story across to the audience. She used a lot of imagery meaning that you can create a picture inside of your heart just by reading. Amy Tan followed the story of her mother struggling to speak English and people miss treating her because she doesn’t know how to speak proper English. She explains her mother’s struggles and the way she has helped her mother with dealing with people that mistreat her. 

Amy Tan was born in China but lives in America. Her background makes her story more believable and reliable because she wasn’t born in the United States of America english was not her first language. When you move to the United States and you don’t know the languages it’s very hard because people are very cruel and will try to take advantage of you just because you don’t know how to communicate in the same language. Amy Tan uses evidence to emphasize her mothers situations and everything that happens to develop her argument. For example, her mother got diagnosed with cancer and the doctors claimed that they lost her CAT scan. Her mother had a difficult time trying to speak to the doctors because of the language barrier. Due to the fact that her mother couldn’t speak proper english they refused to help her. In the world you can see a lot of people abusing their power and trying to gain power over people that are different.  Amy Tan develops the argument and the text using different strategies. For example she uses imagery in the text because when you are readying her story you can imagine and feel the characters pain or happened though the reading. Amy Tan connects with her audience in many ways and in a way she makes the story connect to a lot of people and that makes the audience understand and connect to the story more. 

The author uses ethos and pathos throughout the text. She uses eathose because she incorporates the background of  the characters in her stories. For example, her background is that she was not born in the united states as well as her mother and that they are immigrants in the United States. The author’s sexuality orientation doesn’t change the audience’s perspective because just because she is a woman and not a man or her sexuality is different it doesn’t matter because she is still going to get the point across  to her audiences. Amy tan also uses pathos because she shows emotions in the story that she wrote and her mothers experience and what she went through. In the text it states, “Like others, I have described it to people as “broken” or “fractured” english.” She was ashamed of her mothers  improper english showing emotions in the text which is indicating that she used pathos in the text. Amy Tan used both ethos and pathos to convince her audience of her argument. 

The rhetorical analysis is significant to to Amy Tans argument because she followed to story of her mother getting miss treated by people making fun of her just because she didn’t know how to speak proper english, Amy Tan was ashamed of her mothers english but still tried to help her the best she can and tried do defend her mother in any way possible when she would witness people discrimination against her mother just because she was different. The rhetorical analysis is important because the audience can get a better understanding of the text and get a better understanding of the text. Amy tan uses ethos and pathos to develop her argument in the text and get her point across to the audience so the audience gets a better understanding of her point of view and her argument. My parents don’t know how to speak proper english and I would always try to help her translate things like letters, phone calls  or even conversations that she was having with people.  I was never ashamed of the fact that my parents couldn’t speak english because my parents have a strong attitude and know how to defend themselves in any language.  

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